Miyerkules, Mayo 11, 2016



      I love the Philippines. No matter where I go, I proudly tell people where I am from. If I get blank stares, I bust out my phone and proceed to show them truly how beautiful the Philippines is. However, the more I have traveled to other countries and the more I have seen, I realized that there is so much more to love about the Philippines than just its beautiful beaches. The friendly smiles, the natural instinct to help anyone in need, or just the sheer happiness seen in regular everyday situations are just a few of the things which I think sets the Philippines apart. The Philippines is such an amazing country. It is hard to pin point what I love about it. If I had to name a few things it would be the charismatic people and the epic scenery. I love the Philippines because of the amazingly happy and friendly people. Everywhere I went in the Philippines I was made feel so welcome by the locals. The beauty of the Philippines would have to be the diversity of experiences that this country has to offer, along with the people, of course. Up North you have mind blowing rice fields and mountains, while down south you have world class surf. Not to mention paradise on earth. I have experienced some of the best diving in Cebu and swimming through and alongside with thousands of sardines and whale sharks. Apart from that, I got the privilege to work in here in the Philippines and have never found it hard to fit in. and Its more fun in the PHILIPPINES.

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